Welcome to Apsynergy Learning - Free salesforce training for all

In this Video, Raphael Wulff, founder at Apsynergy.com and salesforce partner and coach for over 10 years, explains why he believes that sharing all the salesforce knowledge accumulated for 10 years makes sense for his business, his customers and the salesforce community. Welcome to Apsynergy Learning, Free Salesforce Training for all.

Meet Raphael Wulff, Apsynergy founder, Salesforce certified partner and salesforce coach

Its time to share my knowledge, my team's knowledge and create the most complete FREE Salesforce Education Hub and provide a great tool to the world salesforce professional community and help tomorrow's salesforce consultant with Free salesforce training, video, quiz... Every week, fresh salesforce educational content, free for all and forever!

Thanks to subscribe and share, our goal is to help everyone build a great career with salesforce just like I did!

Thanks for sharing this page with your friends willing to build a career, work colleagues, and independent salesforce professionals and consultants. Thanks, make sure you subscribe, it's free and you will build your salesforce knowledge on a weekly basis! Thanks, Raphael

What are you going to get with Apsynergy Learning ?

  • Free Salesforce educative content from beginner to experts developers!
  • Master class Video
  • Session validation Quiz
  • Master Class presentation

Apsynergy Learning was created to help the Salesforce professional community to access quality educational content and build a career as a salesforce expert.

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